Philadelphia based coworking facility, Benjamin’s Desk, is branching out of its Center City comfort zone and expanding the brand to Montgomery County, specifically at Ambler Yards. The 3500 foot space, while much smaller than the 11,700 foot Center City location, is unique in that it will the first ever off-site licensing of the Benjamin’s Desk name,
From the Philly Website:
The newsy element here is that the Ambler location, estimated to open in April 2017, will become the first-ever licensing deal for Benjamin’s Desk: developers Marc Policarpo and Matt Sigel will be using the Powered by Benjamin’s Desk brand but they’ll hold down the fort on their own for the projected 80-100 members.
“We’ll be running this ourself,” said Siegel. “It’s almost like a franchise agreement.”
For those unfamiliar, Ambler Yards is a 250,000-square-foot industrial complex with 14 buildings scattered across 25 acres, right outside of Ambler Borough in Lower Gwynedd. Some may remember it as the AmChem Chemical site. Most recently, Ambler Yards hosted seasonal Beer Gardens and a Family Fun Day enjoyed by over 500 people.