1. Lower Gwynedd Pike Fest

    Hosted By Lower Gwynedd Pike Fest

  2. Took place on Saturday, September 15th, 2018 @ 10:00am
  3. Bethlehem Pike
    Bethlehem Pike Spring House
  4. Lower Gwynedd Township welcomes back the third annual Pike Fest on Saturday, September 15th, 2018 from 10am - 4pm on Bethlehem Pike in Spring House, PA. Close to 5,000 people attended last year’s Fest and organizers expect a larger crowd at this year’s celebration. Pike Fest showcases and celebrates the Lower Gwynedd Community and the businesses on Bethlehem Pike, many of which will offer Pike Fest specials and other promotions to entice eventgoers. The event also includes music, the Wissahickon HS Marching Band, local artisans, amusements for the kids, food trucks, and more. The event kicks off at 8 am with a 5K through the streets and trails of Lower Gwynedd. Local specialty store Born to Run, Inc is putting on the event. Both Adults ($15) and Children ($10) can participate, with proceeds benefiting the Pike Beautification Committee in conjunction with the Lower Gwynedd Business Association (Lower Gwynedd Business Association). Visit the Lower Gwynedd website for vendor updates, artisan and sponsorship applications, and a full listing of participating sponsors, exhibitors, and activities. Bethlehem Pike will be closed to vehicle traffic during the Fest, and event parking will be free at Gwynedd Mercy Academy Elementary and Wissahickon High School. For more information, contact Lower Gwynedd Township at 215-646-5302 or email LGPikeFest@lowergwynedd.org or check out the website here.

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