1. Virtual Benefit Concert for Hogs & Honeys Foundation

    Music, Hosted By Hogs and Honeys Foundation for Kids

  2. Took place on Saturday, October 17th, 2020 from 8:00pm to 10:00pm
  3. www.hogsnhoneys.org
  4. Join Hogs and Honeys Foundation for Kids to watch some amazing artists perform! Starting at 8pm we will be streaming a concert for everyone to join. It is an effort to say thank you to all of our amazing supporters. It is also a great opportunity for people to enjoy a Saturday night during the pandemic. The link will be available on Facebook (@HogsnHoneysOrg) or on our website (www.Hogsnhoneys.org) in the next few days to come. Simply follow the link, once available, at 8PM on October 17th to watch the event.

    Free AdmissionMusic

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