Wissahickon School District Superintendent Releases Letter in Response to Florida Shooting

Wissahickon Superintendent, James Crisfield, calls for a ban on rapid-fire assault weapons in his letter to the Wissahickon school community following the news of Wednesday’s shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida.  The link to Crisfield’s letter is at the bottom of this article, however most of his message is as follows:

…One last thought lands me in unusual political waters for a school superintendent. I believe it is time for all of us, public school leaders included, to have the courage to call for a ban on rapid-fire assault weapons. Enough is enough. We need to stop framing this as a rollback of constitutional rights, and we need to stop framing it as some sort of partisan political issue. Instead, we need to start framing this as protecting kids. Period. We need to be done with the fallacious, slippery-slope argument that a ban on these people-killing weapons will be a ban on all guns. No, it will not. I don’t have any patience when it comes to partisan politics, especially in the realm of education, and how this can fall prey to Democrat vs. Republican posturing is beyond me. We need to act now to protect students now. In closing, our hearts go out to the families in Florida. I cannot imagine what they are going through. Here in Wiss Nation, we are grateful for the community support and partnerships we have when it comes to school security, and remain 100% committed to the safety of our students and staff members. Nothing is more important.

He also addressed the safety policies for Wissahickon School District, and you can read his entire letter to the Wissahickon community here.