Three Stooges fans SPREAD OUT and rejoice! The world’s first and largest Three Stooges Museum, Ambler’s own Stoogeum, will be holding two open houses this Spring – Friday, March 25th, from 10 am to 3 pm and Friday, April 1, from 10 am to 5 pm. Usually only open Thursdays and by appointment, you do not need an appointment for these special events.
From the Stoogeum Website:
Containing close to 100,000 pieces of Stoogeabilia, the Stoogeum (rhymes with museum) offers fans a chance to view a vast array of artifacts which celebrate the legacy of this legendary comedy team. The 10,000 square-foot, 3-story building houses anything and everything Stooge. Artifacts from 1918 to the present are on exhibit, including several interactive displays. The Stoogeum also contains a research library, a 16MM film storage vault and an 85-seat theater used for film screenings, lectures and special presentations.
The Stoogeum is located at 904 Sheble Lane in Ambler. Admission prices are: $10 for Adults, $8 for Seniors/Students/Military and
Children 12 and under are free.
Any questions knuckleheads? Call 267-468-0810 or email