As part of an overnight raid, Montgomery County Sheriff Sean P. Kilkenny’s deputies arrested 9 offenders from charges ranging from assault to child endangerment and nonpayment of child support. The raid was part of the 14th Annual National Family Violence Apprehension Detail also known as “SWEEP”.
From the County of Montgomery Press Release:
The national sweep is a collaborative effort, which includes approximately 250 law enforcement agencies in 26 states. Warrants that are included in the national sweep are domestic violence crimes such as harassment, assault, burglary, criminal mischief and criminal mistreatment.
Also included on the list of crimes is child abuse, restraining and stalking order violations, interfering with making 911 calls, obstruction of telephone calls and non-payment of child support.
You can anonymously report a tip on wanted individuals by calling – 610-278-3340 or by submitting a tip to the MCSO webpage. You can also submit a tip on facebook.