The Pet of the week is a cat named Charli (with a heart over the “i”). Charli’s owner tells us more about her below:
Charli (who spells her name with a heart over the “i” so you know she’s a girl) is honored to follow in the paw prints of her predecessor, Jezabelle, who sadly passed away this spring; devoted Around Ambler readers may recall Jez as the very first feline Pet of the Week. Charli is pleased to have found a forever home here in Ambler, after spending two years in the elements when she lost her home in Merchantville, NJ. She considers herself very lucky that a couple of exceptional animal lovers looked after her when she took shelter in their backyard and eventually introduced her to her new human. Charli is seven years old and spends her time napping, training that aforementioned human, sleeping in the sunny spots, occasionally batting around a ball, snoozing, and posing for glamour shots.

Is your pet cute, quirky, funny or particularly photogenic? Tell us what’s amazing about your pet, and include those details, along with a photo, in a paragraph to nominate them for Around Ambler’s Pet of the Week feature. Our editors can’t wait to review your submissions!
Please email your pet’s info to: