On Sunday, January 29th, from 10 am to 3 pm, Always Be Recyclin’ will be setting up at Izzie’s Deli in Blue Bell and accepting unwanted electronics for recycling.
From the Always Be Recyclin’ Events Page:
We can accepts most electronics for free including:
-Computers, Laptops, Tablets, and Accessories
-Flat Screen LED/LCD and Plasma TVs and Monitors
-Cell phones, Office Phones, and House Phones
-Cameras, Remotes, Routers, and Modems
-Stereo Equipment, Record Players, Speakers, etc.
-DVD Players, Blu-Ray Players, and VCRs
-Video Game Consoles, and Accessories
-Microwaves, Blenders, and other Household Electronics
-Cords, cables, Chargers, etc.
We can accept CRT Tube televisions for a fee
If they are under 22″ the fee is $30
22″ – 27″ the fee is $50
27″ – 32″ the fee is $100.Also Printers are accepted with a $5 fee
If you have any questions, call 610-825-3450 or e-mail alwaysberecycling@yahoo.com. Izzie’s Deli is located at 700 Dekalb Pike in Blue Bell.