Wissahickon School District featured in Education Week article about smart device policies

The Wissahickon School District was the focus of a a recent article in Education Week about high school policies on smart devices. From the article:

Jim Crisfield, superintendent of the Wissahickon school district in Ambler, Pa., acknowledges that his district hasn’t exactly been an early adopter of student policies related to personal smart devices and their use on school grounds.

“Until this past school year, we didn’t even have any reference [to cellphone use] in our handbook,” said Crisfield.

Last year, the Pennsylvania district began using “phone hotels” (devices to store cellphones) in the classrooms of its lone high school—students put their cellphones in the devices for class and pick them up once it’s done. The policy has worked well, cut down on distractions, and even earned high marks from students who welcomed a strategy that helped them cut down on their phone use, Crisfield said.

You can read the full article here.