State to Give Over $150 Thousand to Ambler for Bridge and Road Repair

As a benefit of Pennsylvania’s transportation plan – ACT 89, Ambler will receive over $150 thousand dollars from the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) for bridge and road repair.

Funded by liquid fuel payments, the payment is part of a larger $445.3 million payment made on March 1st to certified municipalities across the state.

From the Patch:

Liquid fuels allocations are annual payments to municipalities to help pay for highway and bridge-related expenses such as snow removal and road repaving. There are 120,039 miles of public roads in Pennsylvania, with 72,759 of those miles owned by municipalities and eligible for liquid fuels. The formula for payments is based on a municipality’s population and miles of locally-owned roads.


To be counted as eligible for liquid fuels, a roadway must be formally adopted as a public street by the municipality, meet certain dimension requirements, and be able to safely accommodate vehicles driving at least 15 mph.

The statewide distribution is up 16% from 2015.