294 Wissahickon High students participated in TruMark’s Financial Reality Fairs

TruMark Financial Credit Union recently announced the conclusion of its Financial Reality Fairs held during the 2022-2023 school year.

The fairs are designed to help the financial education and preparedness of over a thousand local students, including Wissahickon High School. In total, 294 Wissahickon High School students attended the fairs and 40 students served as volunteers.

The Reality Fair immerses students in a “real- world” environment where they must make informed spending decisions within a set budget across essential categories such as housing, transportation, food, clothing, and insurance. Financial counselors offered expert advice to help students fine-tune their budgets and live within their set salary constraints.

“I am proud to witness the transformative power of our Financial Reality Fairs,” said Kelly Botti, CEO of TruMark Financial. “It’s more than just an event; it gives students the hands-on experience of managing a budget and making major financial decisions. We believe in equipping individuals with the knowledge and skills to navigate the real world with confidence. At TruMark Financial, we are committed to paving the way for brighter financial futures.”