1. Ambler Arboretum Speaker Series: Ask the Ambler Experts — A Panel Discussion

    Hosted By Ambler Arboretum of Temple University

  2. Took place on Wednesday, December 11th, 2019 from 7:00pm to 8:00pm
  3. Temple University Ambler
    580 Meetinghouse Road, Ambler, PA 19002
  4. The gardening season is over and it is time to start planning for the next one. Learn how to solve landscape problems you’ve encountered and how to repeat any successes you may have had in your indoor and outdoor gardens. Perhaps you want to try something new but are just not sure where to begin. Bring questions to ask, samples to examine and stories to share with our experts. You will leave well prepared for next year! Our expert panel includes: Anne Brennan, former Ambler Arboretum Gardens Manager — hardy plants and landscape management; Benjamin Snyder, Greenhouse Horticulturist for the Greenhouse Education and Research Complex of Temple University’s Landscape Architecture and Horticulture Department — tropical plants, plant forcing, vegetable and fruit growing; Joe Imszennik, Facilities Manager at Temple University Ambler — lawn care. Designed to engage all levels of interest and knowledge, the Ambler Arboretum Speaker Series invites regional experts to discuss topics that will inspire participants while challenging their way of thinking about horticulture. Program registration begins at 6:30 p.m., the presentation begins at 7 p.m. and Q&A follows at 8 p.m. Information kathleen.salisbury@temple.edu or 267-468-8400.

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