1. Ambler EAC Stormwater Management Workshop

    Hosted By Ambler EAC

  2. Took place on Tuesday, January 22nd, 2019 @ 12:00pm
  3. Ambler Borough Hall
    131 Rosemary Ave.
  4. Support your watershed. The Ambler Environmental Advisory Council  would like to give every homeowner a rain barrel and assess your property's stormwater needs to see if it qualifies for a reduced cost rain garden, downspout planter, or permeable conversion.
    Your local environmental community organization, the Ambler EAC, is sponsoring a one hour stormwater workshop to educate the Ambler community about:
    1. What stormwater is
    2. Why it is a problem
    3. It's impact on our streams and the watershed
    4. What you can do to help
    5. And what reduced cost tools are available to help homeowners be the difference in clean water
    Join us for one of these educational workshops where you can sign up for an assessment and learn more about how to assure that Ambler is doing it's part to protect our waterways and mitigate local flooding issues. Clean streams mean clean water and a healthier Wissahickon Watershed.

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