Growing Ambler Greener

The Ambler EAC (Environmental Advisory Committee) is currently pursuing a Grown Greener Grant from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) that could mean some environmental improvement for the Borough and some beautification projects for Borough homeowners.

From the EAC website:

We are tasked finding a solution to the pollution in our waterways. Our 3 creeks, Rose Valley, Tannery Run and Stuart Farm Creeks have 3 pollutants: sedimentation, Phosphorous and Nitrogen. A Growing Greener Plus Grant application is in process and due January 13th. This grant, if approved will provide 5 tools for residents to make a difference in Stormwater management and the pollutants in our creeks. We are asking residents to commit to utilizing one of these five tools:


Rain Barrels

Downspout Planters

Riparian Buffers

Steep Slope Terraces

The catch? The grant is due on January 13th! The more interest and commitments the EAC receives, the more likely it will be that they can get the grant. Click here for your no-financial-obligation sign up form to be part of a greener Ambler. For more information, call 215-628-0124.