Hatboro Borough Council approves Line of Credit to Wawa, construction continues

Hatboro Borough Council approved a $247,362 Line of Credit release to Wawa during its April 24 meeting, which means construction will continue for the controversial convenience store at the corner of Horsham and York roads.

Wawa began building in the fall 2022, three years after The Reporter wrote that “the Montgomery County Court of Common Pleas handed a victory to Buckingham Retail Properties in its ongoing fight with Hatboro to build a Wawa at the corner Horsham and York roads.” Wawa wrote a letter to Hatboro’s mayor the same year.

Disapproval has been a recurring theme, including a Change.org petition and a 2020 Phillyburbs.com article which stated: “To allow the construction of a super-sized gas station on this corner of York and Horsham roads diminishes one’s view of our historical end of town. In addition to increased traffic volume, increased flood water considerations, noise and light disturbances and decreased in property value, it would virtually destroy the vision to preserve and enhance the borough’s public space initiatives that would improve the sense of pride residents have in their community.”

The Hatboro Wawa won’t open until the end of 2023 at the earliest.