The Montgomery County Department of Health & Human Services Office of Public Health (OPH) will be adulticiding (spraying) to control the adult mosquito population within Windlestrae Park, 1147 Kenas Rd, Montgomery Township on Tuesday, August 27, 2024, from approximately 8 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.
The spraying will be done where sampling by the OPH and PADEP has shown mosquitoes that carry the West Nile Virus, officials said.
All areas within the highlighted sections of the map below will be subject to the spray. Residents within the spray area should consider remaining indoors, closing windows, and turning off ventilation systems that draw in outside air for the duration of the spray plus 30 minutes after.
Workers will be using Merus® 3.0 at a rate of 0.75 fluid ounces per acre applied with an ATV mounted Ultra Low Volume (ULV) sprayer. The spray will be performed by OPH personnel.
For further information about the products being used, visit the OPH website.