During a December 16th press briefing, Montgomery County Commissioner Dr. Val Arkoosh was asked by KYW’s Jim Melwert about the evidence of the spread of Coronvirus within the county’s restaurants, bars, and gyms.
While asking the question, Melwert pointed out that the studies that exist that show spread in these businesses were done before the mitigation efforts were put in place (lessening capacities, focus on outdoor seating, etc). He specifically asked if there was evidence of spread within this business since the mitigation efforts were put in place.
The video is qued to the question and answer.
Dr. Arkoosh’s response was that there was no evidence of significant spread within these types of businesses based on responses to contact tracing (this is a phone call that is placed to those who test positive that asks where you have visited recently, etc.). She actually stated they were unable to find any transmission in gyms and almost no transmissions in restaurants. The transmissions that did occur in restaurants were between employees and not between employees and patrons. One caveat, contact tracing was unable to speak with 30% of those they tried to contact.
Governor Tom Wolf of Pennsylvania ordered restaurants to not offer indoor dining (even at limited capacities) from December 12th to January 4th. During this same period, gyms are only allowed to hold classes outdoors.
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