Old York Road Symphony Orchestra celebrates 90th season with award-winning opera this Saturday

The Old York Road Symphony Orchestra is celebrating its 90th season of performances in the Abington, Cheltenham, Jenkintown, and Ambler areas.

To honor the milestone, the orchestra will perform Jennifer Higdon’s opera “Cold Mountain Suite” on Saturday, April 15 at 7:30pm at Temple Ambler’s Learning Center Auditorium. The orchestra will also perform Beethoven’s Symphony No. 6.

Higdon is a Pulitzer Prize and three-time Grammy winner. “Cold Mountain” won the International Opera Award for Best World Premiere in 2016.

Higdon, courtesy of Rhode Island Philharmonic

One of the oldest community orchestras in the U.S., the Old York Road Symphony Orchestra first performed at the Keswick in 1933. The orchestra has since played at many other local venues, including Murphy Hall at the then Beaver College, and Cheltenham and Abington high schools.

Ambler Symphony’s Jack Moore took over as music director six years ago.

For tickets to the show, you can click here. For more on the orchestra, you can visit their website and Facebook page.

For more coverage on the orchestra’s 90th anniversary, you can read The Reporter’s article here.

Photos courtesy of Old York Road Symphony Orchestra