On Wednesday, March 29th, from 7 pm to 8 pm, the Wissahickon Valley Watershed and Camels Hump Rain Barrels are presenting a Rain Barrel Workshop where you can learn how to install and care for a rain barrel. Rain Barrels retain runoff and allow you to reuse rain water for your garden.
From the Wissahickon Valley Watershed:
Rain barrels collect water that would normally flow directly off the roof through gutter down spouts and become storm water runoff. Retaining this runoff for garden use conserves water for plants during dry periods, saves the gardener time spent watering garden plants and provides a consistent supply of free soft (no chlorine, lime or calcium) water for outdoor use.
The Wissahickon Valley Watershed is located at 12 Morris Road in Ambler. The cost is $75 for the rain barrel. Registration is required and can be done here.