Upper Dublin Township is currently seeking several qualified individuals for its Sitewatch program.
Sitewatch staff members patrol Township parks and School District properties. According to township officials, this position is ideal for someone seeking part-time employment that enjoys interacting with the general public, driving and being outdoors.
The Sitewatch program is a partnership between the Township, School District and youth sports organizations. This is not a law enforcement position.
The position typically works 4 to 12 hours per week from March 1 to November 30 during weekday evenings and weekends. Shift opportunities vary from morning (begins at 9:00am), afternoon and evening (ends by 9:00pm). Shifts are 2 to 4 hours depending on the time of year.
More information about the Sitewatch position can be found on the township website at www.upperdublin.net/employment.
Interested candidates should submit a letter of interest and completed township employment application to Cheryl Milnazik or by email to employment@upperdublin.net. Candidates will be interviewed as applications are received. Employment applications are available at the Township receptionist’s desk during normal working hours or on the Upper Dublin Township website at https://www.upperdublin.net/employment.