Upper Dublin Township issues Severe Weather Alert

Upper Dublin Township has issued a Severe Weather Alert from Tuesday, January 9 – Wednesday, January 10.

From their alert:

Heavy rain and wind are forecasted with potential for up to 3 inches of rainfall. The heaviest rain will occur today, Tuesday, January 9th, with accompanying strong wind gusts. Upper Dublin Township staff and the Emergency Management Office are monitoring the storm and trouble areas within the Township.

The Township advises the following:

  • Prep for basement flooding.
  • Check sump pumps.
  • Clear storm drains.
  • Charge cell phones.
  • Have flashlights with batteries.
  • Power Out? Don’t call 911. Call PECO at 1-800-841-4141.
  • Never drive around barricades…turn around, don’t drown.
  • Stay away from downed wires.
  • Have an emergency plan.
  • Stay home. Stay safe.

The National Weather Service’s latest forecast can be found below: