Tiffany Liu, a Wissahickon High School student, recently wrote an article titled “World-renowned ophthalmologist-author attends Upper Dublin screening of ‘Sight,’ a film that tells his story” for the Upper Dublin Chinese American Association.
The article describes the life of ophthalmologist Dr. Ming Wang, who recently promoted a sold-out community screening of the film “Sight.” The screening was hosted by the Upper Dublin Chinese American Association and the China Grace Christian Church.
From the article:
For immigrant audiences, especially Chinese American audiences, pieces of the movie feel strikingly familiar. Dr. Wang’s parents send him off with a one-way ticket to the US in hand. He studies hard, working a job at a restaurant to support himself through school, eventually attending both Harvard and MIT. Dr. Wang’s persistence and kindness represents to the movie’s audience the indomitable power of the human spirit and the journey of the immigrant who wholeheartedly believes in the American dream.
“Sight” will be premiering on Friday, Oct. 27, in theaters across the country. For a trailer and a description of the film, you can click here.
The Reporter has published the article, which can be found here. Liu also serves as an English teacher for Camp Intellect. For more, you can click here.
Photo of Liu courtesy of; Screengrab courtesy of