Detour scheduled along Delaware and Virginia drives this week

Upper Dublin Township announced that a detour along Delaware and Virginia drives between Commerce Drive and Camp Hill Road will be in place this week for repaving.

The paving will take place from Monday, May 6 to Thursday, May 9 from 7:00pm to 5:00am.

Officials noted that the work is weather dependent, and the contractor may require a fifth night to complete the work.

The detour will be for Camp Hill Road to Highland Avenue to Pinetown Road (and vice versa), the township said.

“This paving is a part of the Delaware Drive Middle Section. The night detour allows the contractor to pave the road in two passes (half width of road, then half width of road). This minimizes the amount of pavement joints which is better for quality and maintenance,” township officials said in a statement. “By doing the 10-hour shifts, the contractor maximizes the length of road that can be paved in one night, which again reduces the amount of joints.”