1. Reggae on the River featuring Cheezy and the Crackers

    Hosted By MoreThanTheCurve.com

  2. Took place on Saturday, September 29th, 2018 from 5:00pm to 10:00pm
  3. Conshohocken Beer Garden
    2 Ash Street, Conshohocken, PA 19428
  4. Get your tikets now for Reggae on the River at the Conshohocken Beer Garden, THIS Saturday, September 29th from 5:00 PM to 10:00 PM! Playing live will be Moses Livingston and the Raggamuffins, followed by Cheezy and the Crackers. Live music starts at 6:00 PM. Tickets are $15 each and a limited number will be sold. In addition to the music, the event will feature beer from Conshohocken Brewing Co. and Brewery Techne (the in-house brewery for Bar Hygge in Philadelphia). Conshy Card members save $5 off your ticket price with promo card REGGAE. You will be asked to present your Conshy Card at door.

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