Section of I-95 collapses, disaster declaration expected on Monday

A section of I-95 collapsed early Sunday morning around 6:00am after a tanker truck carrying a petroleum-based product caught fire.

Officials told 6ABC that the bridge, located near the Cottman Avenue exit in the Tacony section of Philadelphia, could take months to rebuild.

Northbound and southbound lanes of I-95 are shut down between the exits for Woodhaven Road in Northeast Philadelphia and Aramingo Avenue in Port Richmond. The roughly 160,000 vehicles which use that section of I-95 will be diverted to nearby thruways.

A disaster declaration is expected on Monday, which will pull federal funds towards the highway’s reconstruction. Injuries caused by the accident have not been reported at this time.

For 6ABC’s coverage, which includes a press conference with Governor Shapiro, you can watch this video: