Titleist Performance Institute is the world’s leading educational organization dedicated to studying how the human body functions in relation to the golf swing. We have two TPI certified professionals who have been working with amateur weekend players all the way to PGA tour professionals to identify a body-swing connection. TPI does not believe in one way to swing a golf club, rather an infinite number of swing styles. But we do believe there is one efficient way for every golfer to swing, and it is based on what the player can physically do!
Both TPI Golf Medical Professionals can perform biomechanical evaluations and prescribe an appropriate exercise program to improve your golf game!
Each session is $75.00. Receive a gift bag and participate in a putting contest with screening!

Meet: Dr. Frank Ciuba
Date: Friday, March 7th
Time: 3PM – 4:30PM
Location: Club Pilates Blue Bell, 756 Dekalb Pike, Blue Bell, PA 19422

Meet: Dr. Tyler Sauder
Date: Saturday, March 8th
Time: 1:30PM – 3:00PM
Location: Club Pilates Blue Bell, 756 Dekalb Pike, Blue Bell, PA 19422