The United States EPA (Region III) is issuing a proposed plan to identify its preferred alternative to address contamination at the BoRit Asbestos Superfund Site in Ambler Borough, Whitpain and Upper Dublin Townships and Montgomery County. In 2009, the site was included on the National Priorities List (NPL).
From the EPA Proposed Plan Document:
The Preferred Alternative for this Site is capping of waste, contaminated soil, and Reservoir sediment with clean material and the implementation of associated operation and maintenance (O&M), and institutional controls. The Estimated Cost of the Preferred Alternative is $27.1 Million
The public is encouraged to review and comment on the proposed plan – from December 4th 2016 to February 1st, 2017. On January 10th, 2017 (from 6 pm to 9 pm), there will be a Public Meeting at Ambler Borough Hall for comments. Here is the entire plan document released by the EPA including background on the site and places to receive more information.