1. Lovesong by Abi Morgan

    Arts & Culture, Hosted By Inis Nua

  2. Takes place every Thursday @ 7:00pm
  3. The Louis Bluver Theatres at The Drake
    302 South Hicks Street, Philadelphia, PA 19102
  4. “What happened to the time?” A question we might ask ourselves at the end of a lazy day or a birthday…or when the decades have suddenly slipped by. Lovesong by Abi Morgan (The Iron Lady, TV’s The Hour) is a soaring, intimate love story spanning the marriage of English couple Maggie and Billy, from the grand romantic gestures of their young love to the aching silences 40 years on. When past and present start to collide, Maggie and Billy encounter their younger selves in vivid, living memories. Remembrances lead to meaningful reconnections, reminding us that ultimately, with love, we need to take the leap.

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