There is an Ambler Borough Council Meeting tonight at 7pm at Ambler Borough Hall. ( map) Here are some of the things being discussed at tonight’s meeting:
- The Planning Commission will address the spread of Bamboo in the borough.
- A committee was selected to explore meter type options on borough streets and in the municipal lots. A decision to eliminate free parking in December is being considered.
- Plans were received for a Conditional Use Hearing for a proposed development by American Marketing Association on South Chestnut Street. The applicant is proposing 40 town homes on a 4.58 acre site. The Planning Commissions are currently reviewing the plans. The Engineer’s review was received.
- The 2018 Draft Budget is being prepared.
- A request was received to discuss the permits issued for St. Anthony’s property at 234 Forest Ave.
- The Red Cross will hold another Blood Drive at Borough Hall on December 28, 2017, 29m-7pm.
- The Police Dept. expressed concerns about the increasing number of Handicap parking spaces being requested.
- A resolution of Ambler Borough Council commending Ambler Rotary and designating World Polio Day in Ambler, Pa on October 24, 2017.
Council minutes will be posted online as available. All interested persons are invited to attend meetings. If you are a person with a disability and wish to attend, or require an auxiliary aid, service or other accommodation, please contact the borough manager in advance at 215-646-1000 or email