On Sunday, May 21st, the Upper Dublin Triathlon will be held in teh Fort Washington area. The event will include a 350 meter swim at the Upper Dublin High School, an 8.3 mile bike race and a 3.4 mile run. They need volunteers to help make this event happen.
Here is a description of the volunteer positions available:
FLOATERS (report at 5:00am) – fill-in where needed – most flexible with time commitments
ON SITE VOLUNTEERS (report at 5:30am) – trash clean-up direct athletes through hallways from cafeteria to swim and finish line to cafeteria. You will be on your feet for the majority of your time commitment.
TRANSITION AREA (report at 5:00am) – Body markings, man the bike transition area and man receiving area. You will be on your feet for the majority of your time commitment.
RACE COURSE VOLUNTEERS – (bike & run) (report at 6:00am) – located throughout the race route and/or at traffic control points and marshaling athletes. You will be on your feet for the majority of your time commitment.
Click here to sign up.